A social reformer
A satirist
A fatalist
A lover of nature
Detailed explanation-1: -Hardy’s idea of Fate seems to coincide with finding something or somebody to blame for human unhappiness. Because of his concern with human unhappiness and his instinctive need to find somebody responsible for it, chance and coincidence, nature, time, women and society are some of the things he puts the blame on.
Detailed explanation-2: -He is a pessimist like the classical writers who consider Man merely a puppet in hands of mighty fate. Simply he is gloomier than they are. His pessimism is redeemed by two other ingredients in his work – his lofty view of human nature and his capability to make us laugh at comic side of things.
Detailed explanation-3: -In “The Convergence of the Twain, ” Thomas Hardy examines chance, accident, and coincidence to demonstrate his philosophy of life in which fate is predicted as a timeless unseen force. Such force destroys people’s happiness in the same way that modernity does in bringing its pessimistic progress to the world.
Detailed explanation-4: -In Hardy’s novels, Fate plays a very important part Sometimes it appears that human beings in his world have no individual life of their own, they are controlled by Fate. Not only this, it appears they are controlled by Fate from outside as well as from within.
Detailed explanation-5: -Hardy strongly believed in the incoherence of the empirical world. In his major fiction Hardy illustrated his personal philosophy of chance, a belief that chance, a blind force of Nature, can change man’s destiny. Chance is for Hardy everything for which man has no control.