“A story (as for children) involving fantastic forces and beings (such as fairies, wizards, and goblins)”
“Is a short fictional story that has a moral or teaches a lesson. Fables use humanized animals, objects, or parts of nature as main characters.”
“A traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.”
“A very old story or set ofstories from ancient times, or thestories, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or person”
“A story that may or may not be true, but that containsdetails that are hard to believe”
Detailed explanation-1: -The dictionary defines a myth as: “a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.” What’s tricky, however, is sometimes “legend” is listed as a synonym for a myth.
Detailed explanation-2: -myth, a symbolic narrative, usually of unknown origin and at least partly traditional, that ostensibly relates actual events and that is especially associated with religious belief. It is distinguished from symbolic behaviour (cult, ritual) and symbolic places or objects (temples, icons).
Detailed explanation-3: -A myth is a traditional story or legend, generally about the ancient history of a population of people. A myth includes supernatural events and characters. Legends often teach lessons about factual historical characters.
Detailed explanation-4: -Myths are stories that are based on tradition. Some may have factual origins, while others are completely fictional. But myths are more than mere stories and they serve a more profound purpose in ancient and modern cultures. Myths are sacred tales that explain the world and man’s experience.
Detailed explanation-5: -Myth is a folklore genre consisting of narratives that play a fundamental role in a society, such as foundational tales or origin myths. Since “myth” is popularly used to describe stories that are not objectively true, the identification of a narrative as a myth can be highly controversial.