Once Upon A time ____ They Lived Happily Ever After
So What Had Happened Was ____ That’s My Story And I’m Sticking To It
It All Began When ____ The End
Have You Ever Wondered How ____ And That Is How ____ Came To Be
Detailed explanation-1: -Most fairy tales begin with ‘once upon a time’ or ‘a long time ago’, and end with telling the reader that the characters ‘lived happily ever after’. Fairy tales are often set in the past, but not in a defined period of history, and they usually have a happy ending where the hero triumphs over adversity.
Detailed explanation-2: -A fairy-tale ending is a perfect resolution to a story like one found in a fairy tale. A fairy-tale ending is usually simplistic, perfect, and often romantic, ending with the phrase: “And they lived happily ever after.” A fairy tale is a children’s story that often involves imaginary beings and fantastical events.
Detailed explanation-3: -Answer and Explanation: Fairy tales have happy endings because they were designed to help children learn right from wrong. The evil-doers and children who misbehave in fairy tales often meet a grisly end, but the children who listen to their parents and who do what is good and right come out on top.
Detailed explanation-4: -The phrase is used to convey fictional and nonfictional past events. It’s been dated back to as early as the late thirteen hundreds. The phrase “once upon a time” was coined to introduce happy folktales to a primarily younger audience, typically ending with the characters living happily ever after.