Icarus was so bewitched by a sense of freedom that he did not notice that his wings were melting.
King Minos told Daedalus that he could never leave the island because he was the only one who knew the secret to the maze. This prompted Daedalus to build wings to fly away.
King Minos was an evil king that wanted Daedalus to build him a wonderful prison/labyrinth. He let Daedalus and Icarus live in luxury, but they were still prisoners.
Daedalus watched the birds and used his skill as an inventor to build wings to fly like the seagulls.
Detailed explanation-1: -The story of Icarus is one of the most famous tales from Greek myth. The tale is often interpreted as being fundamentally about the dangers of hubris, with Icarus’ flight a metaphor for man’s overreaching of his limits (and coming to a sticky end as a result).
Detailed explanation-2: -One of the themes is that younger people should heed the warnings of their elders. In the story, Icarus ignores the warnings of his father as soon as he begins to take flight which ultimately leads to to Icarus’ death as he flies too high and the wax melts from the heat of the sun.
Detailed explanation-3: -The Icarus myth warns us of the dangers of power, but unfortunately provides no solution to our dilemma. Many men are trapped in adolescence, frustrated by fantasies of unmodulated and unbounded power, or constricted in their experience of what it means to be a man.
Detailed explanation-4: -Just like Icarus, too much height without the right wings might take us down faster than the way up. So, it is great to Soar… But don’t soar so high that you burn yourselves. Because life is not about one flight of freedom it is about continuing to fly and explore the unknown.