I went to the woods to find out what it really means to live. Away from society, what are the basic needs of life? I wanted to see what nature could teach me so that at the time of my death I would not discover that I had not really lived at all.
I went to the woods to find out the meaning of society and the way it plays into our everyday lives.
Nature is all we really need. We need nothing else to survive this life. Focusing on nature is the true meaning of life.
None of these.
Detailed explanation-1: -Finally, the obscure mystical side of Thoreau-which makes him often appear more of a visionary than a philosopher-is evident in his famous phrase “to live deliberately.” On a literal level, he wishes to choose his path of life independently and thoughtfully, subject to his own deliberation and no one else’s.
Detailed explanation-2: -Although his passion for the natural world shows through his writing his goal is not to persuade others to follow in his footsteps by going out and living in nature. Thoreau wanted others to follow him by living their best life which would be achieved by following their passions and the things they enjoy.
Detailed explanation-3: -For Thoreau at the start of Walden, living deliberately meant leading a life of solitude, self-reliance, and intimate connection to the natural world.
Detailed explanation-4: -It means being aware of my actions, instead of acting automatically or reacting blindly. It means being aware of what I feed my body, mind and spirit. It means embracing the breadth of life’s emotions – the love, pain, joy, sorrow, wonder, beauty, fear – the whole mess.