the amount of radon gas released during an earthquake.
the movement of tectonic plates over a year.
the strength of an earthquake.
the intensity of an earthquake.
Detailed explanation-1: -The Richter scale measures the largest wiggle (amplitude) on the recording, but other magnitude scales measure different parts of the earthquake. The USGS currently reports earthquake magnitudes using the Moment Magnitude scale, though many other magnitudes are calculated for research and comparison purposes.
Detailed explanation-2: -The Richter Scale Richter in 1934. It used a formula based on the amplitude of the largest wave recorded on a specific type of seismometer and the distance between the earthquake and the seismometer.
Detailed explanation-3: -1. Richter Scale is used to measure the scale of absolute ‘Magnitude’ of an earthquake based on the amount of seismic energy released. 2. Mercalli scale measures the ‘Intensity’ of an earthquake based on based on the amount of destruction caused.
Detailed explanation-4: -On the average, one earthquake of such size occurs somewhere in the world each year. Although the Richter Scale has no upper limit, the largest known shocks have had magnitudes in the 8.8 to 8.9 range.
Detailed explanation-5: -There are two ways by which we can measure the strength of an earthquake: magnitude and intensity. Magnitude is proportional to the energy released by an earthquake at the focus. It is calculated from earthquakes recorded by an instrument called seismograph. It is represented by Arabic Numbers (e.g. 4.8, 9.0).