amber, rock, ice
amber, ice, cement
amber, tar, rock
amber, tar, ice
Detailed explanation-1: -Unaltered fossils are rare except as captured in amber, trapped in tar, dried out, or frozen as a preserved wooly mammoth. Amber is the fossilized tree resin that can trap flowers, worms, insects, and small amphibians and mammals.
Detailed explanation-2: -Sediment: Naturally occurring material that is broken down by processes of weathering and erosion. True form fossils also form when sap from a tree covers an organism and hardens into amber. Many preserved insects have been found this way. We can also see true form fossils where there is extreme weather.
Detailed explanation-3: -Collectors and scientists have found not just bugs entombed in tree resin, but even animals as large as lizards, frogs and salamanders can be preserved in impressive detail. Skin, scales, fur and feathers are just some of the incredibly detailed features found in amber.
Detailed explanation-4: -Preserved remains are types of fossils where the entirety of an animal, plant, or insect is preserved. These types of fossils can only be created under special circumstances that prevent the decomposition of the creature. Creatures preserved this way have been found in amber, tar, peat, and ice.
Detailed explanation-5: -True Form Fossils. True Form fossils are formed when the animals soft tissues or hard parts did not decay over the years because they are trapped in sap that hardens to become amber. This evidence gives scientists the BEST observation of past plants and animals.