an intrusion of saltwater into aquifers
the loss of water resources in estuaries
the destruction of estuaries because of an increase in sea levels
a decrease in salt concentration in inlet waterways
Detailed explanation-1: -If too much freshwater is pumped from the aquifer system, then saltwater can migrate landward by a process referred to as “saltwater intrusion.” If a pumping well is close to the landward migrating freshwater/saltwater interface, saltwater could enter the well and contaminate the water supply, too.
Detailed explanation-2: -Saltwater intrusion can result in the need for water utilities to increase treatment, relocate water intakes or development of alternate sources of fresh water. Saltwater intrusion, through surface or ground water sources, may diminish the availability or quality of source waters for drinking water utilities.
Detailed explanation-3: -As sea levels rise along the coasts, saltwater can move onto the land. Known as saltwater intrusion, this occurs when storm surges or high tides overtop areas low in elevation. It also occurs when saltwater infiltrates freshwater aquifers and raises the groundwater table below the soil surface.
Detailed explanation-4: -Saltwater intrusion can occur in aquifers near coastlines, when fresh groundwater in the aquifer is displaced by salt water. Coastline aquifers become more vulnerable to saltwater intrusion when freshwater recharge rates are low or withdrawal rates are high.
Detailed explanation-5: -Groundwater. Sea-level rise, in combination with increased groundwater pumping can increase saltwater intrusion in groundwater aquifers. Saltwater intrusion into groundwater aquifers can increase treatment costs for drinking water facilities or render groundwater wells unusable.