go to high ground
find cover
cover mouth and eyes
watch out for rocks
Detailed explanation-1: -Know where the nearest high ground is and how you will reach it. Plan to get as high up or as far inland as you can. Plan your escape route for when you are at home, as well as for when you may be working or holidaying near the coast. If possible, keep your getaway kit with you if possible.
Detailed explanation-2: -Tsunamis can move faster than a person can run! The upper floors of high, multi-story, reinforced concrete hotels can provide refuge if there is no time to quickly move inland or to higher ground. If you are on a boat or ship and there is time, move your vessel to deeper water (at least 100 fathoms).
Detailed explanation-3: -Move to high ground following your designated tsunami evacuation route. Follow all instructions from local officials. Stay on higher ground until you receive the “all clear” message from your local authority, tsunami waves can last several hours. Never go to the beach to watch the waves.
Detailed explanation-4: -If caused by an earthquake, Drop, Cover, then Hold On to protect yourself from the earthquake first. Get to high ground as far inland as possible. Be alert to signs of a tsunami, such as a sudden rise or draining of ocean waters. Listen to emergency information and alerts. More items •03-Feb-2022
Detailed explanation-5: -• Go to an upper floor or roof of a. building. • Climb a tree. As a last resort, climb up a strong tree if trapped on low ground. • Climb onto something that floats. • Expect the waves to leave debris. • Expect earthquakes to lower or up- • Expect company. • • Obey the Natural signs of an ap-More items