China became wealthy
China ended farmed
China started a war
China stopped trading
Detailed explanation-1: -An abundance of goods traveled along the Silk Road. Merchants carried silk from China to Europe, where it dressed royalty and wealthy patrons. Other favorite commodities from Asia included jade and other precious stones, porcelain, tea, and spices.
Detailed explanation-2: -The Silk Roads stretched across Eurasia, connecting East and West for centuries. At its height, the network of trade routes enabled merchants to travel from China to the Mediterranean Sea, carrying with them high-value commercial goods, the exchange of which encouraged urban growth and prosperity.
Detailed explanation-3: -Silk and porcelain were the two bestselling products over the centuries of the Silk Road trade. Silk was the most valuable export on the Silk Road since it was light, easy to transport, and was said to be worth its weight in gold during the Roman era.
Detailed explanation-4: -What did China trade on the Silk Road? China exported tea, silk, porcelain, ornate bronze mirrors, lacquerware, medicines, and paper. In return, China received many kinds of products ranging from precious metals to horses, weapons, woolen goods, glassware, gold and silver, and precious stones and jewels.
Detailed explanation-5: -Answer and Explanation: The greatest impact of the Silk Road was that while it allowed luxury goods like silk, porcelain, and silver to travel from one end of the Silk Road to the other, culture and other information were also exchanged.
Detailed explanation-6: -The Silk Road, commonly known as the first global trade route in history, had a scope and importance far greater than the simple exchange of goods. Indeed, the myriad of interconnected routes served as a vehicle for the fruitful exchange of arts, religion, cultures, ideas and technology.