Trade with other countries
Steal from other countries
Buy things at the store
They can’t get the things they need.
Detailed explanation-1: -People in Ancient Greece settled in the valleys between mountains, which kept them from uniting. The mountains made trade and travel difficult. Only 20% of the land was good for agriculture due to the dry and rocky soil.
Detailed explanation-2: -The Greeks even built cities in other parts of the world so they could trade goods. They also built ships that could travel far across the Mediterranean Sea. This is the sea that touches Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East. Goods could be made in one part of the Mediterranean and sold in another.
Detailed explanation-3: -The city-states of Ancient Greece first traded with each other. However, the soil in Greece is only good for growing a few kinds of plants, and so the Greeks had to start trading with other cultures so they could have enough food to support a growing population.
Detailed explanation-4: -Article. The prosperity of the majority of Greek city-states was based on agriculture and the ability to produce the necessary surplus which allowed some citizens to pursue other trades and pastimes and to create a quantity of exported goods so that they could be exchanged for necessities the community lacked.
Detailed explanation-5: -Farmers planted hillside orchards of fruit and nut trees. Greek farmers raised sheep and goats, which can graze on the sides of mountains. 2. Some Greek settlements fought each other because of the shortage of good land.