Because of all the salt water
Because of the hilly and rocky land
Because the Greeks never learned how to farm
It was very easy to farm
Detailed explanation-1: -Farming was difficult in Ancient Greece due to various reasons. The terrain of the land was mostly mountainous, and the soil was not fertile enough to support farming. The climate was also a significant factor, with hot and dry summers and rainy winters.
Detailed explanation-2: -The mountains isolated Greeks from one another, which caused Greek communities to develop their own way of life. Greece is made up of many mountains, isolated valleys, and small islands. This geography prevented the Greeks from building a large empire like that of Egypt or Mesopotamia.
Detailed explanation-3: -Some farmers built wide earth steps into the hills to create more flat land for farming. Most farmers grew crops like grapes and olives, which needed less land. Farmers planted hillside orchards of fruit and nut trees. Greek farmers raised sheep and goats, which can graze on the sides of mountains.
Detailed explanation-4: -The many hills and mountains provided shrubs to feed the herds of sheep, goats, and cattle. Because farming didn’t produce huge surpluses, and travel across the terrain was difficult, the Greeks came to depend on the sea.
Detailed explanation-5: -GEOGRAPHY OF GREECE These islands and peninsulas were COVERED with high mountains. This made travel across land very difficult. Greeks had to adapt! So, they mostly traveled by water.