High walls
Dirt roads
Sewer Systems
Detailed explanation-1: -Tunnels under Mohenjo-Daro carried the city’s waste to a nearby estuary. Almost all of the city’s houses had indoor baths and latrines with drains, and the city also showed its dedication to cleanliness with a large public bathhouse used for ritual bathing.
Detailed explanation-2: -What made Mohenjo-daro an advanced city was its intentional layout, irrigation, and water supply to the city and for agriculture, a sophisticated system of human waste disposal with bathrooms linked to sewers and buildings made out of brick from molds. They also had a system of heating air and creating steaming baths.
Detailed explanation-3: -They created standardized weights and measures. Dockyards, brick platforms, granaries, and protective walls are some examples of their advanced construction methods and architecture. Some houses were larger than others, but there was no evidence of mansions or palaces.
Detailed explanation-4: -It was built using a grid system, similar to modern day city blocks. This was very unlike other urban areas of that time period. The city also had an intricate plumbing system, with hundreds of wells located in streets and in domestic areas.
Detailed explanation-5: -Water supply and wells With the excavations done so far, over 700 wells are present at Mohenjo-daro, alongside drainage and bathing systems. This number is unheard of when compared to other civilizations at the time, such as Egypt or Mesopotamia, and the quantity of wells transcribes as one well for every three houses.
Detailed explanation-6: -The town was divided into two parts. Mohenjo-Daro was not a perfect grid-patterned town. It had the world’s best-channeled drainage system. There were multi-storey buildings in Mohenjo-Daro. The Great Bath. Mohenjo-Daro had a total of 700 wells. More items •05-Jun-2022