“You will not find inner peace unless you pursue dharma.”
“You will not be able to go to heaven unless you pursue dharma.”
“If you do not pursue dharma, you will be shunned by people in your caste.”
“If you do not pursue dharma, you will be reincarnated as a lower life-form.”
Detailed explanation-1: -Dharma is an all-inclusive term used to mean righteousness, morality, religion, responsibility, and duty. Dharma includes the practice of religious disciplines and duties, such as honesty, brahmacharya, and non-violence.
Detailed explanation-2: -Reincarnation is a key belief within Hinduism. In Hinduism, all life goes through birth, life, death, and rebirth and this is known as the cycle of samsara .
Detailed explanation-3: -Hinduism is a major world religion that teaches ideas such as reincarnation, karma, dharma, and moksha. Hindus believe that the soul is immortal, and is reincarnated after death into a new physical form. The circumstances are rebirth are dictated by an individual’s karma, or the good and bad deeds they commit.
Detailed explanation-4: -"Karma” literally means “action, ‘’ and more broadly names the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, which Hindus believe governs all consciousness. Karma is not considered to be equivalent to fate, for human beings act with what can be described as a conditioned free will creating our destinies.
Detailed explanation-5: -One fundamental principle of the religion is the idea that people’s actions and thoughts directly determine their current life and future lives. Hindus strive to achieve dharma, which is a code of living that emphasizes good conduct and morality. Hindus revere all living creatures and consider the cow a sacred animal.