Anyone can achieve nirvana.
A person’s status in life is a result of how they lived their previous life.
An individual does not have a soul.
Demonic forces try to keep people from living good lives.
Detailed explanation-1: -An individual’s position in the caste system is thought to be a reflection of accumulated merit in past lives (karma). Observance of the dharma, or behavior consistent with one’s caste and status, is discussed in many early philosophical texts. Not every religious practice can be undertaken by all members of society.
Detailed explanation-2: -The basic belief is that a person’s fate is determined according to his deeds. These deeds in Hinduism are called ‘Karma’. A soul who does good Karma in this life will be awarded with a better life in the next incarnation.
Detailed explanation-3: -Hindus generally accept the doctrine of transmigration and rebirth and the complementary belief in karma. The whole process of rebirth, called samsara, is cyclic, with no clear beginning or end, and encompasses lives of perpetual, serial attachments.
Detailed explanation-4: -Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect). One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is “atman, ‘’ or the belief in soul.
Detailed explanation-5: -Hindu Goals They are kama, artha, dharma and moksha.
Detailed explanation-6: -In very simplified terms, karma is the Hindu belief that a person’s actions in life will determine their fate in the next life. If a person is kind and selfless in this life, they’ll be rewarded in the next.