Excerpt from the Alhambra Decree issued in 1492 by Isabella and Ferdinand from Spain:Therefore, with the council and advice of the eminent men and cavaliers of our reign, and of other persons of knowledge and conscience of our Supreme Council, after much deliberation, it is agreed and resolved that all Jews and Jewesses be ordered to leave our kingdoms, and that they never be allowed to return.And we further order in this edict that all Jews and Jewesses of whatever age that reside in our domain and territories, that they leave with their sons and daughters. Their servants and relatives, large and small, of whatever age, by the end of July of this year, and that they dare not return to our lands, not so much as to take a step on them not trespass upon them in any other manner whatsoever. Any Jew who does not comply with this edict and is to be found in our kingdom and domains, or who returns to the kingdom in any manner, will incur punishment by death and confiscation of all their belongings. Signed, I, the King, I, the Queen, Juan de Coloma, Secretary of the King and Queen, which I have written by the order of our Majesties.How is this similar to the Magna Carta?
Both enacted laws that were different for Jewish people.
Both were created in the same year after revolts.
Both limited the monarch
Both created a legislative body in the countries of England and Spain.

Detailed explanation-1: -We knew also that, on March 31, 1492, in the Alhambra’s resplendent Hall of the Ambassadors, Ferdinand and Isabella signed an edict, the Alhambra Decree, expelling the Jews from Spain.

Detailed explanation-2: -With the goal of cleansing all non Catholic sentiment from the Spanish nation, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella issued the Edict of Alhambra that required the force exile of all non-Catholics from Spain. The additional decree issued in October of 1501 further mandated the public destruction of non-Christian texts.

Detailed explanation-3: -The Expulsion of Jews from Spain was the expulsion from Spain following the Alhambra Decree in 1492, which was enacted in order to eliminate their influence on Spain’s large converso population and to ensure its members did not revert to Judaism, many Jews in Spain either converted or were expelled.

Detailed explanation-4: -In 1492 the monarchs issued a decree of expulsion of Jews, known formally as the Alhambra Decree, which gave Jews in Spain four months to either convert to Catholicism or leave Spain. Tens of thousands of Jews emigrated to other lands such as Portugal, North Africa, the Low Countries, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire.

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