Unprocessed natural products used in production (cotton, rubber, palm oil, sugar, wheat, guano, metals, and minerals)
Sudden wave of conquests in Africa by European powers in the 1880s and 1890s.
A policy of not participating in international trade or diplomacy.
Resources:a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
Detailed explanation-1: -The Scramble for Africa, also called the Partition of Africa, the Conquest of Africa or the Rape of Africa, was the invasion, annexation, division, and colonization of most of Africa by seven Western European powers during an era known as New Imperialism (between 1833 and 1914).
Detailed explanation-2: -Scramble for Africa: The invasion, occupation, division, colonization, and annexation of African territory by European powers during the period of New Imperialism, between 1881 and 1914. It is also called the Partition of Africa and the Conquest of Africa.
Detailed explanation-3: -The Scramble for Africa can be explained by two important and interrelated causes: imperial rivalry and industrialization. Imperial rivalry is the most obvious cause. As the European empires were growing in power and wealth, they sought to expand their territorial reach in order to remain competitive with one another.
Detailed explanation-4: -New nations such as Italy and Germany sought empires to prove their status; France sought expansion to compensate for its humiliating defeat at Germany’s hands; Britain pressed outward in order to protect existing colonies.
Detailed explanation-5: -The Scramble for Africa (or the Race for Africa) was the proliferation of conflicting European claims to African territory during the New Imperialism period, between the 1880s and the start of World War I.