The US wanted to promote the spread of communism
The US wanted to keep South and North Korea separated by religion
The US wanted to prevent the spread of communism into South Korea
The US wanted to reunite North and South Korea as a communist government
Detailed explanation-1: -Armed with Soviet rifles and tanks, North Korea crossed the 38th parallel on June 25, 1950; the war was underway. President Harry Truman viewed the situation as more than just a war between two nations. He feared the North Korean strike was the first step in an international communist takeover led by the Soviet Union.
Detailed explanation-2: -Why did the United States get involved in the conflicts in the Koreas and Vietnam? Involvement was an extension of the containment policy against Communism. How did Iran play a role in the early Cold War? Allied pressure caused the removal of Soviet troops, who had attempted to secure access to oil, from Iran.
Detailed explanation-3: -Why did the U.S get involved in the Korean War? Primarily because of the threat of Communist expansion by China, along with fear that the SU was working with China to create bombs. Plus, Korea was positioned at the 38th Parallel, which makes it an important point to hold in the area for political control.
Detailed explanation-4: -It was the United States that became involved in the Korean War to stop the spread of communism, since this war occurred during the Cold War, in which the US and Russia were battling for dominance. The correct answer is: “the United States".
Detailed explanation-5: -Containment-The korean war: from containment to liberation to containment. The Korean War led to the endorsement of NSC 68, vast expenditures for arms in Asia and in Europe, and the overextension of American power. American intervention in Korea was the most dramatic test to that date for containment.