An arab lawyer from Morocco who traveled throughout the muslim world.
A muslim leader
The language and culture of East Africa’s coast
A group of people descended from the same ancestor
The leader of Mali who made pilgrimage to Makkah
Detailed explanation-1: -Abu Abdallah ibn Battuta was born in 1304 in Tangier, Morocco, across the Strait of Gibraltar from Spain. He came from a Muslim family of legal scholars and judges. Like them, he studied the Sharia, the sacred law of the Muslims based on the Koran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.
Detailed explanation-2: -Ibn Battuta was a medieval Muslim traveler who wrote one of the world’s most famous travel logs, the Riḥlah. This work describes the people, places, and cultures he encountered in his journeys along some 75, 000 miles (120, 000 km) across and beyond the Islamic world.
Detailed explanation-3: -In the 14th century, the Moroccan wanderer Ibn Battuta spent nearly 30 years traveling some 75, 000 miles across Africa, the Middle East, India and Southeast Asia. The title of “history’s most famous traveler” usually goes to Marco Polo, the great Venetian wayfarer who visited China in the 13th century.
Detailed explanation-4: -The answers are also relevant to decisions that will shape the 21st century. Ibn Battuta was born into a Moroccan family of Muslim legal scholars in 1304. After studying law, he left in 1325 for the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca required of Muslims who are financially and physically able to accomplish it.
Detailed explanation-5: -Ibn Battuta (1304 – 1368 or 1369) was a Moroccan explorer. He is known for the account of his journeys called the Rihla ("Voyage"). He travelled for nearly 30 years and covered most of the Islamic world. He also explored West Africa, Southern and Eastern Europe, South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China.
Detailed explanation-6: -Ibn Battuta (l. 1304-1368/69) was a Moroccan explorer from Tangier whose expeditions took him further than any other traveler of his time and resulted in his famous work, The Rihla of Ibn Battuta.