Remove it from the USB
Left-click the flash drive, then select Eject or Disconnect
Right-click the flash drive, then select Eject or Disconnect
Right-click the flash drive, then select Remove
Detailed explanation-1: -To avoid losing data, it’s important to remove external hardware like hard drives and USB drives safely. Look for the Safely Remove Hardware icon on the taskbar. If you don’t see it, select Show hidden icons . Press and hold (or right-click) the icon and select the hardware you want to remove.
Detailed explanation-2: -Right-click on the USB Drive you want to eject and choose the “Eject” option from the pop-up menu. Once you click it, you can safely eject USB Drive from the system. If you have failed to safely remove USB stick, which is, without safely disconnect flash drive, then there is a risk that you might have lost your data.
Detailed explanation-3: -USB drive from a computer? Safe eject of your USB flash drive ensures your files are completely transferred on the device. If you remove the USB before any read, write, or transfer activity is completed, it would corrupt the data stored on the USB and may even result in data loss.
Detailed explanation-4: -Right-click or press and hold on the drive that you want to remove and, in the menu that opens, choose Eject. If everything went well, you see a notification that it is Safe To Remove Hardware. Unplug the device that you no longer want to use on your Windows 10 PC, and you are done.
Detailed explanation-5: -A program in the background may be writing to the drive – so data corruption could result if you unplugged the drive. If your USB stick doesn’t appear to be in-use, you can probably unplug it without any data corruption occurring – however, to be safe, it’s still a good idea to use the Safely Remove Hardware option.