It requires information from 3 seismograph stations
It requires drawing triangles.
It helps locate an epicenter.
It uses the time between the S and P waves to find distance to epicenter.
Detailed explanation-1: -S waves travel at about half the speed of P waves, so they arrive later. The time between the arrival of a P wave and the arrival of an S wave, called the S-P time or S-P interval, measured at three seismic stations can be used to triangulate the epicenter location.
Detailed explanation-2: -The time between the arrival of the P wave and the arrival of the S wave (S-P time) is measured at each station. The S-P time indicates the distance to the earthquake similar to how the time interval between the flash of light and the sound of thunder indicates the distance to a thunderstorm.
Detailed explanation-3: -Answer and Explanation: The only statement that is true is that the p-waves or primary waves travel faster, and thus arrive sooner than do the s-waves or secondary waves which is choice B.
Detailed explanation-4: -Finding the Distance to the Epicenter Use the time difference between the arrival of the P and S waves to estimate the distance from the earthquake to the station. (From Bolt, 1978.) Measure the distance between the first P wave and the first S wave. In this case, the first P and S waves are 24 seconds apart.