queen cell protector
queen cage
swarm trap
pollen trap
Detailed explanation-1: -So, after waiting a couple of days, you can now introduce your new queen. Before doing so, check the hive to be sure there are no queen cells. You can remove sealed queen cells and use them in other hives such as splits, nucs or queenless hives by gently pressing them into the comb of a queenless hive.
Detailed explanation-2: -The most common queen introduction method involves putting the queen into a small wire or plastic cage which is then plugged with candy or newspaper. The bees can communicate with her through the wire and eat their way through and release her. Hopefully they will feed her in the meantime.
Detailed explanation-3: -A push-in cage is the best way to introduce your queen because it allows the queen to start laying eggs immediately. However this method requires handling the queen, which some people may not be comfortable doing. The cage comes flat. Bend the screen at the cuts near the corners and fold the screen over at the cuts.
Detailed explanation-4: -OPTION 1: INTRODUCING PURCHASED QUEEN CELLS Place the Q-cell on a brood frame near the center of the cluster. To do this gently press the plastic rim into the comb next to the brood, about 3/4 of the way up the frame. This will ensure that the cell will stay at the appropriate temperatures.