Union Agriculture Minister Shri Tomar said that the total budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, including Agricultural Education and Research, is aboute Rs 1.25 lakh cror this time. Out of this, provision of Rs. 60, 000 crore has been made for the Modi Government’s ambitious scheme, -the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan). There are about 86 per cent small farmers in the country, who have been greatly benefited through the Kisan Credit Card (KCC). This time, Rs 23, 000 crores has been allocated for this, to enable our farmer brothers and sisters to continue to avail its benefit. Focusing on Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries, the agricultural loan target has been increased to Rs 20 lakh crore. Provision of Rs 450 crore has been made for the Digital Agriculture Mission started by the Modi Government, and about Rs. 600 crore allocated for the promotion of Agriculture sector through technology.Shri Tomar said that the Prime Minister took the initiative to make Natural Farming a mass movement, for which a provision of Rs 459 crore has been made. In 3 years, 1 crore farmers will be supported for Natural Farming, for which 10, 000 Bio Input Research Centers will be opened. While organizing Small and Medium Farmers through FPOs, a target has been set to provide them all facilities related to agriculture, for which 10, 000 new FPOs are being constituted. This FPO is a revolutionary step in the direction of raising the standard of living of small and medium farmers, whose benefits have started percolating to these farmers. In order to maintain the same momentum in the future, a budget provision of Rs 955 crore has been earmarked for the formation of new FPOs this year, while the Agriculture Infra Fund and Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, beneficial for the farmers, are also being promoted. Food and nutritional security is one of the priorities of the Union Government, for which the budget has been hiked to Rs 1, 623 crore. Shri Tomar said that priority will be given to Startups related to agriculture. The Agriculture Accelerator Fund will be set up to encourage agri-startups by young entrepreneurs, for which Rs 500 crore has been allocated over a period of 5 years. Millets will now be known as Shri-Anna. India is at the forefront of programmes to popularize Srianna. The Indian Millets Research Centre, Hyderabad will be promoted as a Center of Excellence, so that it can excel at the global level as well. For the development of Horticulture sector, the budget has been increased to Rs 2, 200 crore.
Either A or B
None of the above

Detailed explanation-1: -The Ministry has been allocated Rs 1, 25, 036 crore in 2023-24, 5% greater than the revised estimates for 2022-23. [2], [3] The Ministry of Agriculture accounts for 2.8% of the total Union Budget.

Detailed explanation-2: -2012-13: For year 2012-13, budget allocation of ‘ 20208 crore has been proposed in BE 2012-13. Allocation for RKVY is proposed to be increased to ‘ 9217 crore.

Detailed explanation-3: -The tradition of having an exclusive Budget for agriculture was started by Karnataka in 2011-12, and was followed by the undivided Andhra Pradesh state in 2013-14.

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