A large administration that pursues a large variety of goals
A set of people with whom an individual has strong emotional and personal connections
Shared ideas and standards that’s are considered acceptable and binding
Group of people that have a territory or culture in common
Detailed explanation-1: -According to sociologists, a society is a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture. Social groups consist of two or more people who interact and identify with one another. Territory: Most countries have formal boundaries and territory that the world recognizes as theirs.
Detailed explanation-2: -Society and culture are closely related. Culture considers various aspects of society like language, technology, and norms, whereas society involves people who share a common culture. It is through culture that people understand themselves and relate to societal norms.
Detailed explanation-3: -Society is a human community with a relatively fixed territorial location, sharing a common culture, and common activities. There is cultural and institutional interdependence between members of a society and they are differentiated from other communities and groups.
Detailed explanation-4: -A group of people who share a similar culture (beliefs, values, and behaviors), language, religion, ancestry, or other characteristic that is often handed down from one generation to the next. They may come from the same country or live together in the same area.
Detailed explanation-5: -A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.