Macrophages incorporate the antigen into their genetic material and produce a large number of identical macrophages that are programmed to destroy that specific antigen
Macrophages present the antigen directly to a memory B cell that produces antibodies programmed to destroy that specific antigen.
Macrophages present the antigen to helper T cells, which activate B cells to produce plasma cells, and the plasma cells release antibodies that identify and help destroy that specific antigen
Macrophages present fragments of the antigen to other macrophages, which are able to seek out and destroy the antigen by releasing helper T cells that engulf that specific antigen
Detailed explanation-1: -Generally, macrophages ingest and degrade dead cells, debris, tumor cells, and foreign materials. They promote homeostasis by responding to internal and external changes within the body, not only as phagocytes, but also through trophic, regulatory, and repair functions.
Detailed explanation-2: -phagocytosis, process by which certain living cells called phagocytes ingest or engulf other cells or particles. The phagocyte may be a free-living one-celled organism, such as an amoeba, or one of the body cells, such as a white blood cell.
Detailed explanation-3: -Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that play an integral part in the immune system with the role of phagocytosing foreign antigens, such as bacteria. They are able to present these antigens to other immune cells, such as T-cells, for further destruction.
Detailed explanation-4: -macrophage, type of white blood cell that helps eliminate foreign substances by engulfing foreign materials and initiating an immune response. Macrophages are constituents of the reticuloendothelial system (or mononuclear phagocyte system) and occur in almost all tissues of the body.