It prevents leucocytes from fighting bacteria byphagocytosis.
It causes excessive production of leucocytes in bonemarrow.
It destroys antibodies produced by leucocytes.
It lowers the number of leucocytes, reducing antibodyproduction.
Detailed explanation-1: -HIV targets the body’s white blood cells, weakening the immune system. This makes it easier to get sick with diseases like tuberculosis, infections and some cancers. HIV is spread from the body fluids of an infected person, including blood, breast milk, semen and vaginal fluids.
Detailed explanation-2: -HIV finds the white blood cells, called CD4 cells. HIV gets inside the CD4 cell and makes copies of itself. Then, HIV kills the CD4 cell and the new HIV copies find other CD4 cells to get inside and start the cycle again. HIV kills immune system cells that help the body fight infections and diseases.
Detailed explanation-3: -As HIV multiplies and destroys certain white blood cells-the CD4 cells, which fight bacteria and viruses-a person may develop symptoms of infection. These might include recurring fever, intense night sweats, and prolonged swelling of lymph glands in the armpits, groin, or neck.
Detailed explanation-4: -The virus devastates the immune system because its main target is the T4 lymphocyte, which is the key component for generating and regulating the immune response.
Detailed explanation-5: -HIV-1 transmission severely affects the overall B cell response, resulting in an ineffective antibody response. Although potentially protective antibody types are elicited at much later times throughout the course of infection, they are ineffective in controlling viral replication at the time that they develop.