She was a brilliant organizer whose plan for suffrage was followed by women across the country
She died in jail from a hunger strike
She was the first woman to get a Ph. D from a major university
She worked on the suffrage movement in Britain and brought her efforts to the United States
Detailed explanation-1: -A skilled political strategist, Carrie Clinton Lane Chapman Catt was a suffragist and peace activist who helped secure for American women the right to vote. She directed the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) and founded the League of Women Voters (1920) to bring women into the political mainstream.
Detailed explanation-2: -She led the final effort to win approval by Congress, the president, and the states to approve and ratify the 19th Amendment. In addition to her key role in the passage of the 19th Amendment, Catt also helped establish the national League of Women Voters.
Detailed explanation-3: -As an organizer, Catt was highly effective. In 1900 she was elected to succeed Susan B. Anthony as president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA).
Detailed explanation-4: -Catt would return to the U.S. and resume presidency of NAWSA from 1915 to 1920. During her tenure she created the “Winning Plan” which coordinated the drive for the 19th Amendment with state suffrage campaigns. Catt’s plan advised suffragists to focus only on voting rights and the passage of an amendment.
Detailed explanation-5: -A dynamic speaker and tenacious organizer, Carrie Chapman Catt was a powerful force in the women’s suffrage movement. Her relentless campaigning won Woodrow Wilson’s respect and support, and ultimately led to passage of the Nineteenth Amendment granting women the right to vote.