THE COLD WAR 1950 1973
this was the first example of the anti-war movement
Cronkite’s view would likely undermine public support for the war
LBJ immediately followed by refusing to run for reelection
it meant that the U.S. needed to increase the troop ceiling in South Vietnam
Detailed explanation-1: -Though U.S. and South Vietnamese forces managed to hold off the attacks, news coverage of the massive offensive shocked the American public and eroded support for the war effort.
Detailed explanation-2: -Although a military loss, the Tet Offensive was a stunning propaganda victory for the communists. In fact, it is often credited with turning the war in their favor. The South Vietnamese began to lose influence as Viet Cong guerrillas infiltrated rural areas formerly held by the South Vietnamese government.
Detailed explanation-3: -Why did American support for the war change after the Tet offensive ? The Tet offensive changed millions of minds about the war. Despite the years of antiwar protest, a poll taken just before Tet showed that only 28 percent of Americans called themselves doves, while 56 percent claimed to be hawks.
Detailed explanation-4: -In contrast, the television news networks had a bleaker view of the war in Vietnam. After the Tet Offensive in 1968-which the public saw as a defeat-reports turned unfavorable toward the war effort. The censorship that was in effect during World War II was much more lax by the 1960s.