THE ROARING 20S 1920 1929
Popular people during the 1920s
Popular places during the 1920s
Popular dances during the 1920s
Popular foods during the 1920s
Detailed explanation-1: -Lindy Hop, also known as the jitterbug, was developed in the 1920’s and is said to be the original form of swing dance. The term ‘jitterbug’ is however commonly used to describe any swing dancer and is derived from the visual display of the dancers on the floor who look like jitterbugs with the fast, bouncy movements.
Detailed explanation-2: -Early in the decade, flappers appropriated the “Charleston, ” a previously popular African-American dance. Other new dance styles emerged that soon had everyone copying them. In addition to the “Charleston, ” these styles included “Black Bottom, ” “Raccoon, ” “Varsity Drag, ” “Collegiate, ” and “Tango”.
Detailed explanation-3: -The Charleston was a very popular dance of the 1920s enjoyed by both young women (flappers) and young men of the “Roaring ‘20s” generation. The Charleston involves the fast-paced swinging of the legs and big arm movements.
Detailed explanation-4: -The Charleston is irresistible. One of the best known craze dances, its rhythm and steps are an instant shorthand for the Roaring Twenties, for the Jazz Age, for a generation running wild in an era of new freedoms and rebellions.
Detailed explanation-5: -Jitterbug is a generalized term used to describe swing dancing. It is often synonymous with the lindy hop dance but might include elements of the jive, east coast swing, collegiate shag, charleston, balboa and other swing dances.