high temperature, no stirring
no heat, no stirring
sugar cube, no heat
high temperature, stirring
Detailed explanation-1: -The rate of dissolving of a solute in a solvent is faster when the solute and solvent are stirred, the solvent is warmer, or the solute consists of smaller particles with more surface area.
Detailed explanation-2: -Stirring affects the rate of dissolving because it spreads the solvent’s molecules around the solute and increases the chance of them coming into contact with each other faster. As a result, mechanical stirring increases solubility of the solute in the solvent.
Detailed explanation-3: -Most solids, including sugar and salt, become more soluble with increasing temperature. This is because heat increases molecular movement, causing more collisions between the water molecules and the solid. But the opposite is true for gases, which tend to become less soluble as a solvent’s temperature increases.
Detailed explanation-4: -The rate of dissolution, in contrast, is a measure of how fast a solute dissolves in a solvent. There are three factors that affect the rate of dissolution: (1) the surface area of the solute, (2) the temperature of the solvent, and (3) the amount of agitation that occurs when the solute and the solvent are mixed.
Detailed explanation-5: -Temperature of the solvent: If the temperature is more, the solute dissolves faster because of the rapid movement of molecules.