It is the stability of a proton and neutron Discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
It is a concept that helps to identify the stability of the nucleus Discovered by Ernest Rutherford
It is the concept that identifies how much energy an atom has discovered by Marie Curie and her husband Pierre
It is a concept that helps to identify the stability of an isotope discovered by Antoine Henri Becquerel
Detailed explanation-1: -Definition. Nuclear stability means that the nucleus of an element is stable and thus it does not decay spontaneously emitting any kind of radioactivity. Among the ≈9, 000 nuclei expected to exist, and the ≈3, 000 presently known, only 195 are stable against spontaneous decay, because of energy conservation.
Detailed explanation-2: -By accident, he discovered that uranium salts spontaneously emit a penetrating radiation that can be registered on a photographic plate. Further studies made it clear that this radiation was something new and not X-ray radiation: he had discovered a new phenomenon, radioactivity.
Detailed explanation-3: -Bohr turned to Planck’s quantum theory to explain the stability of most atoms. He found that the ratio of energy in electrons and the frequency of their orbits around the nucleus was equal to Planck’s constant (the proportion of light’s energy to its wave frequency, or approximately 6.626 x 10-23 ).
Detailed explanation-4: -Soddy in his lab at the University of Glasgow. In a letter to the editor published in the Dec. 4, 1913, issue of Nature, English radiochemist Frederick Soddy proposed the isotope concept-that elements could have more than one atomic weight. The idea led to his 1921 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.