Stop at least two metres before the sign
Stop and give way to all traffic on the crossroad
Slow down and be prepared to stop if any traffic is approaching
None of the above
Detailed explanation-1: -In such cases, drivers should proceed with caution and obey the rules of the road as if the signal is not present. They should treat the intersection as a four-way stop, and give right of way to the vehicles that arrived at the intersection first, or to the ones on their right if the vehicles arrived at the same time.
Detailed explanation-2: -When you approach a ‘Stop’ sign and ‘Stop’ line (single unbroken line), you must come to a complete stop. You must stop before the line, and as close as possible to the line. If there’s a ‘Stop’ sign but no line at an intersection, you must stop before, and as close as possible, to the intersection.
Detailed explanation-3: -Road safety rules and regulations state that you should never use a mobile phone while driving. Wear seatbelts and helmets. Walk carefully on the sidewalks and only cross on the zebra crossing. Be careful of speed limits. Never drink and drive. More items •30-Jan-2023
Detailed explanation-4: -Do Not Drink and Drive. Always Own Valid Car Insurance Policy. Wear your seatbelt while Driving a Car. Riding a Two-Wheeler without a Helmet On. Using a Mobile Phone while Riding. Over Speeding. Jumping the Red Light. Following the Rules of “No Entry” Zone. 30-Jan-2023
Detailed explanation-5: -Stick to the left lane and leave the right lane to faster traffic. Don’t view through traffic stick to your lane. Never over take on the left. Wear a helmet for your safety. Don’t push your way forward through any opening in the traffic at traffic signals. More items