social insurance system that provides benefits to most Americans who are retired, sick, or too disabled to work, and to families of workers who have died
A business cost that increases or decreases, such as labor
The things you like and enjoy doing
A social insurance program that extends health coverage to almost all Americans age 65 and over
Detailed explanation-1: -Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a social insurance program under which workers earn coverage for benefits, by working and paying Social Security taxes on their earnings. The program provides benefits to disabled workers and to their dependents.
Detailed explanation-2: -In the social security policysystem, social insurance isthe main pillar, which’s functions are minimizing risks, support to people in compensating or partially replacing for their income when they have to face the risks (illness, losing job or working capacity), reducing pressure on the social assistance system.
Detailed explanation-3: -Social Security is a program run by the federal government. The program works by using taxes paid into a trust fund to provide benefits to people who are eligible. You’ll need a Social Security number when you apply for a job.
Detailed explanation-4: -Social insurance is a universally funded financial safety net administered by the government. Programs include Social Security, unemployment insurance, and Medicare, among others. Social insurance differs from public assistance based on funding sources.
Detailed explanation-5: -Benefits. After attaining the age of 60 yrs, beneficiaries are entitled to receive minimum monthly assured pension of Rs.3000/-. On death of the beneficiary, spouse is eligible for 50% monthly pension. If husband and wife, both joins the scheme, they are eligible for Rs. 6000/-monthly pension jointly.