. All of the following statements explain the effects of beginning with this rhetorical appeal EXCEPT:Reminder of earlier question:2b) Which of the following selections from the opening section best supports your answer to 2a?2a) Which rhetorical appeal does Lincoln mostly use in section 1 of the address?

(A) It takes the listeners back to a time when they were united.

(B) It reminds the listeners of the time when they fought together against a common foe in the Revolutionary War.

(C) It emphasizes the fact that they are no longer fighting for a noble purpose.

(D) ** It encourages the listeners to stop fighting the Civil War.


Concept note-1: -There are three proofs of rhetoric which are pathos, ethos, and logos. Pathos appeals to emotion, ethos is the use of character, and logos appeals to reason. The “Gettysburg Address” given by Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg on November 19, 1863, is a prime example of a speech that uses pathos, ethos and logos.

Concept note-2: -Beginning with the phrase, “Four score and seven years ago…” he was referencing the year of 1776, which was 87 years ago (Lincoln). Through this strategy, Lincoln was able to emphasize the importance of equality, freedom, and national unity in his topic by recalling the founding of the United States.

Concept note-3: -“The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln is remarkable through the use of rhetorical devices like allusion, antithesis, and tricolon.

Concept note-4: -In his appeal to reason, Lincoln uses more specific rhetorical strategies such as the use of tautology, litote, and anechdotes in order to appeal to his audiences reason. This no more obvious than in the second and third paragraphs of the passage where Lincoln utilizes his appeal to his audience’s reason the best.