(A) The living are to abolish slavery.
(B) ** The living are to devote themselves to finishing what the soldiers who died started ____ end the war and continue as a united nation.
(C) End the Civil War immediately.
(D) Pray for the soldiers.
Concept note-1: -The “unfinished work” to which Lincoln refers, “the great task remaining before us, ” is to put into practice the proposition to which this nation was and is dedicated: that all men are created equal. Miraculous though it was, the Constitution had left that work unfinished.
Concept note-2: -Description. At Gettysburg in 1863, President Lincoln honored the 51, 000 who died there when he said, “ . . . they gave the last full measure of devotion . . .” Soldiers both North and South, and on scores of other battlefields also offered this supreme sacrifice.
Concept note-3: -"The last full measure of devotion.” That’s what President Lincoln called the ultimate sacrifice as he dedicated the cemetery at Gettysburg in 1863. It’s what Memorial Day is all about: remembering those who laid down their lives to defend their families, their friends, their country.