
(A) used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time

(B) a politically organized body of people under government

(C) ** made or declared or believed to be holy

(D) experimentation to determine how well something works


Concept note-1: -When something is consecrated it is declared to be sacred or holy. Many Catholics, for example, believe that bread and wine are consecrated, or made sacred during Holy Communion, becoming the body and blood of Christ.

Concept note-2: -Some common synonyms of consecrate are dedicate, devote, and hallow. While all these words mean “to set apart for a special and often higher end, ” consecrate stresses investment with a solemn or sacred quality.

Concept note-3: -consecrated; consecrating. : to make or declare sacred : to set apart to the service of God. : to devote to a purpose in a very sincere manner.

Concept note-4: -Most often used in a religious context, consecration is the act of dedicating something to God, sanctifying it and making it holy. For example, someone entering the priesthood goes through a consecration rite that establishes his holy commitment.

Concept note-5: -In the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Eastern Catholic Churches, the term “consecration” can refer to either the Sacred Mystery (sacrament) of Cheirotonea (ordination through laying on of hands) of a bishop, or the sanctification and solemn dedication of a church building.