Read the sentence from the speech. “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation . . .” What does President Lincoln mean by this statement?

(A) That the continent was first settled by Europeans

(B) That democracy was created by the Founding Fathers

(C) ** The Founding Fathers formed the United States of America in 1776

(D) The Founding Fathers formed the United States of American in 1789


Concept note-1: -So “four score and seven years” translates to 87 years. This speech was delivered in 1863; 87 years earlier was 1776, the year that the signing of the Declaration of Independence officially declared U.S. independence and “brought forth on this continent a new nation."

Concept note-2: -Lincoln’s address starts with “Four score and seven years ago.” A score is equal to 20 years, so he was referencing 87 years ago-1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed.

Concept note-3: -Lincoln was declaring that the United States would continue to fight to preserve the nation that was created by the Founding Fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

Concept note-4: -Four score means 80 years. Four score and seven years ago means 87 years ago. 87 years from 1863 (year of the Gettysburg Address) is 1776 (year of the Declaration of Independence). For Lincoln and hopefully his audience, 1776 meant the year of “a new birth of freedom.”