What does the ship in the poem symbolize?

(A) Nothing, it’s just a ship

(B) The world

(C) ** The United States

(D) Life


Concept note-1: -The ship in Whitman’s poem symbolizes the United States. Just as a ship endures turbulent winds while on the water, the country survived the hardships and sacrifices of the Civil War. The speaker says that they won the prize that they sought during their voyage.

Concept note-2: -The “captain” represents Lincoln, and the “ship” represents the Civil War; Lincoln was the commander of the Civil War much as a captain would be of his ship. In line two, when it says that “the ship has weather’d every rack, ” it is referring to all the lives that were lost during the War.

Concept note-3: -Answer: our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won; The speaker is shouting out to his captain (“O Captain!”) that they’ve finally made it home after a frightening trip. They were on a ship that survived, or “weathered, ” strong winds (a.k.a. “racks”).

Concept note-4: -In the poem Whitman likened the presidency of Lincoln to a captain steering a ship. The fearful trip was the American Civil War that was ending, but whose end was not formalized. Lincoln was assassinated in April and the surrender of the Confederacy was less than one month later in May 1865.

Concept note-5: -The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; The ship finally arrives safely in the harbor and drops its anchor. Its trip is done. The speaker reminds us that the trip was difficult and dangerous, but the mission was a success.