What does the world Hallow mean?

(A) to make empty

(B) ** to make sacred

(C) to make equal

(D) to make unfair


Concept note-1: -To hallow is “to make holy or sacred, to sanctify or consecrate, to venerate". The adjective form hallowed, as used in The Lord’s Prayer, means holy, consecrated, sacred, or revered. The noun form hallow, as used in Hallowtide, is a synonym of the word saint.

Concept note-2: -transitive verb. : to make holy or set apart for holy use. : to respect greatly : venerate. the most hallowed of all law-enforcement agencies Dwight MacDonald.

Concept note-3: -To hallow is to bless, consecrate, or render holy by means of religious rites, especially significant religious places or the relics of saints. As a noun, hallow means “saint.” The word for our popular holiday Halloween is a shortened form of “All Hallows’ Eve, ” or “All Saints’ Eve, ” which precedes All Saints’ Day.

Concept note-4: -to honor as holy; consider sacred; venerate: to hallow a battlefield.

Concept note-5: -The word hallow is derived from the Middle and Old English words for holy. As a noun, it can also mean saint. In those days, the Christian holiday we know as All Saints’ Day was called All Hallows’ Day, and the day before, when an evening mass was held, was All Hallows’ Eve.