(A) to learn each other’s address
(B) to free the slaves
(C) ** for unification and political freedom
(D) for the freedom of northerners
Concept note-1: -The main purpose of the Gettysburg Address at the time it was given was to commemorate a new National Cemetery at Gettysburg. It also gave Lincoln’s purpose for pushing on to win the Civil War-the abolition of slavery and the reunification of the Union.
Concept note-2: -In his address, President Lincoln invoked the Declaration of Independence, and its principles of liberty and equality, and spoke of “a new birth of freedom” for the nation. He continued to reshape the aims of the war for the American people-transforming it from a war for Union to a war for Union and freedom.
Concept note-3: -To encourage people to take action in improving the nation, honor those who does in the Battle of Gettysburg, and reuniting the north and south.