What’s the purpose of repetition within the Gettysburg Address?

(A) To echo a style that was popular during the 19th century

(B) To ensure listeners will understand

(C) To show uncertainty

(D) ** To build forcefulness and show emphasis


Concept note-1: -Repetition is used to make ideas and points more memorable and create a more appealing sound effect. For example, the speaker uses the word “here” seven times in the speech to emphasize the importance of the Gettysburg battle for the Civil War.

Concept note-2: -Throughout the Gettysburg address, Lincoln uses the literary device of anaphora-the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a series of statements. In this passage, Lincoln repeats “we can not” in order to drive home his point that Gettysburg has already been consecrated, by the dead rather than the living.

Concept note-3: -Between the Confederate and Union armies, more than 7, 000 soldiers died during the Battle of Gettysburg. Lincoln used his speech to emphasize the importance of the preservation of the Union and the ideal of self-government.

Concept note-4: -The Gettysburg address is one of the most important speeches given during the time of the civil war. This speech encapsulates everything that the United States was struggling with during that time. Abraham Lincoln is able to use this speech as a sign of hope for the thousands of people who have lost it.