(A) They did this to form walls to attack from.
(B) ** They did this to slow down Sherman and the advancing Union forces.
(C) They did this to form a blockade around the Union forces.
(D) The South burned bridges because they did not have any wood for cooking fires.
Concept note-1: -Through October, Sherman built up a massive cache of supplies in Atlanta. He then ordered a systematic destruction of the city to prevent the Confederates from recovering anything once the Yankees had abandoned it.
Concept note-2: -His army lived off the land and destroyed railroads, burned warehouses, and ruined plantations along the way. This was a calculated effort–Sherman thought that the war would end more quickly if civilians of the South felt some destruction personally, a view supported by General Ulysses S.
Concept note-3: -After taking the city, Sherman’s troops headed south-southeastward toward Milledgeville, the state capital, and on to Savannah with the March to the Sea. Military Division of the Mississippi: Army of the Tennessee.
Concept note-4: -Confederate Earthworks From such fortifications as this earthwork in front of Atlanta, Confederate general John B. Hood defended the city from Sherman’s attack. Sherman bombarded the city for five weeks, but Hood did not order an evacuation of Atlanta until all rail lines leading into the city had been destroyed.