The South had all but which of these as an advantage?

(A) fought at home, knew the land

(B) male population skilled riders and marksmen

(C) violence part of southern life

(D) ** thousands of slaves added to fighting population


Concept note-1: -The South’s greatest strength lay in the fact that it was fighting on the defensive in its own territory. Familiar with the landscape, Southerners could harass Northern invaders. The military and political objectives of the Union were much more difficult to accomplish.

Concept note-2: -The Union had many advantages over the Confederacy. The North had a larg-er population than the South. The Union also had an industrial economy, where-as the Confederacy had an economy based on agriculture. The Union had most of the natural resources, like coal, iron, and gold, and also a well-developed rail system.

Concept note-3: -The North had geographic advantages, too. It had more farms than the South to provide food for troops. Its land contained most of the country’s iron, coal, copper, and gold. The North controlled the seas, and its 21, 000 miles of railroad track allowed troops and supplies to be transported wherever they were needed.

Concept note-4: -Southerners enjoyed the initial advantage of morale: The South was fighting to maintain its way of life, whereas the North was fighting to maintain the Union. Slavery was not a moral cause of the Union effort until Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.