“. . . There’s no chance of progress and reform in an administration in which war plays the principal part. . . .”-President-elect Woodrow Wilson, 1913 In this statement, President-elect Wilson was expressing the belief that

(A) the United States should enter World War I immediately

(B) reform movements are strengthened by war

(C) the nation will require a change in leadership if it goes to war

(D) ** the Progressive movement would be best served by continued peace


Concept note-1: -Woodrow Wilson hoped not to spend too much presidential time on foreign affairs. When Europe plunged into war in 1914, Wilson, who like many Americans believed in neutrality, saw America’s role as that of peace broker. The sinking of the passenger liner Lusitania by a German U-boat helped to shatter that hope.

Concept note-2: -Wilson’s 14 Points were designed to undermine the Central Powers’ will to continue, and to inspire the Allies to victory. The 14 Points were broadcast throughout the world and were showered from rockets and shells behind the enemy’s lines.

Concept note-3: -Woodrow Wilson claimed his place within the Progressive movement with his economic reform package, “the New Freedom.” This agenda, which passed congress at the end of 1913, included tariff, banking, and labor reforms and introduced the income tax.