A country’s desire to spread their political and economic control

(A) ** Imperialism

(B) Isolationism

(C) Nativism

(D) Nationalism


Concept note-1: -These motives often overlap and interact in order to achieve the imperialistic nation’s objectives. The five main motives for imperialism include exploration, economic expansion, increased political power, the diffusion of ideological beliefs, and the spreading of religious beliefs and practices to others.

Concept note-2: -Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and dominion, especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining political and economic control of other areas, often through employing hard power (economic and military power), but also soft power (cultural and diplomatic power).

Concept note-3: -Examples of Imperialism During this period, Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Russia, and Great Britain all relied on imperialism to build their wealth. The U.S. fought the Spanish-American War to end Spain’s colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere. In 1898, Spain ended its claims on Cuba, and the U.S.

Concept note-4: -Political Motives for Imperialism The desire of European nations to build an empire and become a world power was the primary motivation behind the political motive for imperialism. Countries used their military as the primary method for political expansion.