After he led an unsuccessful revolt in Cuba against Spain in 1868 he escaped to the U.S. In 1895 ____ returned to Cuba to start a new revolt and declared the Republic of Cuba to Spain

(A) ** Jose Marti

(B) Vladamir Lennin

(C) Teddy Roosevelt

(D) Fidel Castro


Concept note-1: -In both instances the intervention of the United States was the culminating event. In 1895 the Cuban patriot and revolutionary, José Martí, resumed the Cuban struggle for freedom that had failed during the Ten Years’ War (1868-1878).

Concept note-2: -Céspedes issued the Grito de Yara and initiated the Ten Years’ War in Cuba (1868-1878), the independence movement that served as the forerunner of the 1895 Insurrection and the Spanish American War.

Concept note-3: -The moral leader of this struggle was José Martí, known as “El Apóstol, ” who established the Cuban Revolutionary Party on January 5, 1892 in the United States.

Concept note-4: -Spain responded to the Cuban insurgency by sending 100, 000 soldiers to Cuba in 1895. After the United States government was drawn into the conflict in 1898, the end of Spanish rule became a reality.

Concept note-5: -Led by sugar planter Carlos Manuel de Cespedes, the Cuban Revolution began in 1868. Cespedes proclaimed independence and formed the Republic of Cuba on October 10, 1868. By 1869, Cespedes had written a constitution that abolished slavery and annexed the country to the United States.