Economic and military competition from ____ helped convince many Americans that the U.S. should become a world power

(A) Canada

(B) ** Europe

(C) Latin America

(D) China


Concept note-1: -In the 1880s, economic and military competition from Europe and a growing feeling of cultural superiority convinced many Americans that the United States should become a world power. Many European nations were expanding overseas, a development called the New Imperialism.

Concept note-2: -When Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel The Jungle revealed food adulteration and unsanitary practices in meat production, public outrage prompted Congress to establish federal responsibility for public health and welfare.

Concept note-3: -Business leaders wanted new markets overseas. Anglo-Saxonism had convinced many Americans of their destiny to dominate the world. Growing European imperialism threatened America’s security. Combined with Mahan’s theories, these ideas convinced Congress to authorize the construction of a large, modern navy.

Concept note-4: -Why did the United States assert itself as a world power? economic and military competition from Europe and a growing feeling of cultural superiority.

Concept note-5: -The idea that the United States and Latin America should work together came to be called Pan-Americanism.