Extreme pride or nationalism coupled with aggressive foreign policy

(A) Autonomy

(B) ** Jingoism

(C) Sphere of Influence

(D) Guerrilla


Concept note-1: -Jingoism is nationalism in the form of aggressive foreign policy, whereby a nation advocates for the use of threats or actual force as opposed to peaceful relations to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests.

Concept note-2: -jingoism, an attitude of belligerent nationalism, or a blind adherence to the rightness or virtue of one’s own nation, society, or group, simply because it is one’s own.

Concept note-3: -Jingoism is a term used to describe a political perspective that advocates the use of threats or military force in foreign relations, as opposed to finding a peaceful or diplomatic solution.

Concept note-4: -Jingoism is fanatical, over-the-top patriotism. If you refuse to eat, read, wear, or discuss anything that wasn’t made in your own country, people might accuse you of jingoism.

Concept note-5: -Jingoism is nationalism in the form of aggressive and proactive foreign policy, such as a country’s advocacy for the use of threats or actual force, as opposed to peaceful relations, in efforts to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests.