In 1916, President Wilson ordered US military to invade Mexico to stop which guerrilla fighters?

(A) Emiliano Zapata

(B) ** Pancho Villa

(C) Fulgencio Batista

(D) Che Guevara


Concept note-1: -The height of the conflict came in 1916 when revolutionary Pancho Villa attacked the American border town of Columbus, New Mexico. In response, the United States Army, under the direction of General John J. Pershing, launched a “Punitive expedition” into northern Mexico, to find and capture Villa.

Concept note-2: -Pancho Villa was a Mexican revolutionary and guerrilla leader who fought against the regimes of both Porfirio Díaz and Victoriano Huerta. After 1914 he engaged in civil war and banditry. He became notorious in the United States for his attack on Columbus, New Mexico, in 1916.

Concept note-3: -Pancho Villa’s forces then raided the town of Columbus, New Mexico, on March 9, 1916, resulting in the death of sixteen Americans and much larger casualties for Villa’s forces. In response, the Wilson Administration decided to order a punitive raid into Mexico with the goal of capturing Pancho Villa.

Concept note-4: -A few weeks later, on this day in 1916, Villa led an army of about 1, 500 guerillas across the border to stage a brutal raid against the small American town of Columbus, New Mexico.