It was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine, stating the United States had the right to protect its economic interests in South and Central America by using military force.

(A) Open Door Policy

(B) Dollar Diplomacy

(C) ** Roosevelt Corollary

(D) Moral Diplomacy


Concept note-1: -President Theodore Roosevelt’s assertive approach to Latin America and the Caribbean has often been characterized as the “Big Stick, ” and his policy came to be known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

Concept note-2: -President Theodore Roosevelt promptly proclaimed the right of the United States to exercise an “international police power” to curb such “chronic wrongdoing, ” in his so-called Roosevelt Corollary (or extension) to the Monroe Doctrine.

Concept note-3: -As Monroe stated: “The American continents … are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European powers.” Monroe outlined two separate spheres of influence: the Americas and Europe. The independent lands of the Western Hemisphere would be solely the United States’ domain.

Concept note-4: -While the Monroe Doctrine said European countries should stay out of Latin America, the Roosevelt Corollary took this further to say the United States had the right to exercise military force in Latin American countries to keep European countries out.

Concept note-5: -The Monroe Doctrine has been expanded over the years. In 1904 President Theodore Roosevelt added the Roosevelt Corollary. The addition stated that the United States could become involved in a Latin American country’s internal affairs in cases of clear and long-term wrongdoing by that Latin American country.